🧰 How we do


We bring the magic of Strategic-design, UX, UI and Product management under the one roof of design-led innovation.


Strategic design

Strategic design is a design-led approach to creating new products, services and ventures.

It makes use of design-led innovation principles and methodologies to bring concepts to life and then put them to a test.

Strategic designers works in the early phases, before there is a product. They are tasked with working out who the user is, what proposition is, what the product will be, how the business would work and so on.

The aim of strategic design is to kill bad concepts early, guide good concepts towards their better selves and unearth interesting insight and opportunities along the way.



ux & ui

UX & UI are the disciplines that truly bring concepts to life, moving from the abstract to the very tangible.

It is this approach that makes concepts real and allows them to be tested, iterated, polished and eventually be built.

UX & UI designers work with strategic designers and product managers to turn concepts into reality.



Product mgmt.

Product management is the practice of guiding existing products and services towards a better future.

While the strategic designer works in the land of complete uncertainty, working out who the user is and what the product should be, the product manager works in the established framework of an existing product.

The role of the product manager is to work out where to from here.




At Pebble we bring the above disciplines together under the same roof with the single aim to helping teams make great things.

Whether you are working on a product, a service a venture or somewhere in between. Whether you are working on brand new things or improving and innovating on existing ones. We are to help you make it great.

design-led innovation

Some call it human-centred design, some call it design-thinking, some call it lean-startup and the list goes one. We call it design-led innovation.

Design-led innovation is the practice of applying design principles, processes and methodologies to creating great things, in our case— products, services and ventures.

Our team believes that great concepts are like pebbles. All pebbles start off as rough rocks and when you throw a rough rock into the water, it sinks. But polish the rock into a smooth pebble and it could skip far.

How do you smooth out a concept? — you flesh it out, prototype it and bring it to life, while concurrently breaking it down into assumptions and then putting these to a test; discovering and learning in the process and iterating accordingly.

Successful products, services and ventures are pebbles, design-led innovation is the river that smooths them out.